Create value for your business by giving it a brain.

Our knowledge hub will become the brain of your business by constantly transforming data into knowledge and powering solutions that create value.

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Knowledge Hub

The automated solution to manage all your data and transform it into business actionable knowledge. Connect to all your data sources in real-time and automatically prepare the data for reporting, analysis, and AI modeling.


Real-time knowledge

Capture, prepare, and analyze data in real-time


Single Source of Truth

No more discrepancies in reports due to different sources for the same thing

knowledge trust

Lead with Confidence

Trust the data you use to make decisions thanks to automated quality control


Knowledge democratization

Workforce empowerment through access to data they need when they need it


Strong Governance

Manage permissions to the individual level. The right data to the right people

data security

Data security

Know how your data is being used and by who, detect abnormal behavior


Find what you need

Our integrated data catalog allows for easy query of all data


Data lineage

Trace your data back to the source and know exactly how it changed

master data

Master data

Identify differences in naming of entities across multiple systems

On-premise or cloud deployment

Deploy on microsoft azure, google cloud, amazon web services
YTD Sales? Send data! Send data!

Our knowledge hub can reduce over 30% of your operating expenses.

Significant amount of time is spent finding, acquiring, preparing, verifying, and sharing data. Even with all that effort the information you get might be wrong (Over 65% of executives don't trust the information they are provided).

Propel value creation for your business with our knowledge hub.

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Further create value for your business by connecting our plug-and-play AI solutions to your knowledge hub or current data warehouse. We have created smart solutions for Product , Customer , and Capital .

Product Solutions

Our product dashboard gives you complete visibility into each of your products and allows you to manage their performance.

  • List to net price waterfall
  • Cost breakdown
  • Pricing elasticity curb*
  • Deviation from optimal price*
  • Coefficient of consolidation**

*Requires pricing engine
**Requires consolidation engine

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product dashboard

Our product pricing engine helps you find the optimal price for each of your products.

  • Calculates pricing elasticity
  • Calculates optimal price
  • Average profit lost by sub-optimal pricing
  • Pricing scenario analysis (for complex pricing decisions)

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pricing optimization

Our product consolidation engine allows you to determine if a consolidation of products is necessary to increase profits.

  • Segment products
  • Product lifetime value (PLV)
  • Product satisfaction (PSAT)
  • Average expected net profits

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product consolidation

Customer Solutions

Our customer dashboard tracks all the important metrics to act proactively to keep you customer happy and your business healthy.

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Customer satisfaction (CSAT)
  • Customer acquisition cost*
  • Customer churn rate**
  • Customer defection risk**

*Requires acquisition engine
**Requires retention engine

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customer dashboard

Our customer segmentation engine uses supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms to segment your customers so you can create a strategy to better serve each group.

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customer segmentation

Our customer acquisition engine gives you the power to rank your leads in order of probability for conversion, increasing your conversion rate.

Some of our clients have seen a 3x increase in conversion rate.

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customer acquisition

Our retention engine identifies customers at risk of defection ~6 months before it happens and provides the reasons so you can act proactively to retain them.

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customer retention

Capital Solutions

Our capital dashboard gives you complete visibility into the use of capital in your business.

  • Cost of Capital*
  • Difference between expected and actual payment terms*
  • Capital allocation scenario analysis**
  • Inefficient capital allocation warning**

*Requires working capital engine
**Requires profit drivers engine

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capital dashboard

Our working capital engine will help you make the most of your capital by providing visibility and empowering action.

  • Visibility:
  • How your capital is being used
  • What is your cost of capital
  • Difference between payment terms and actual payments
  • Action:
  • Enforcing payment terms
  • Intelligent terms negotiation
  • Create smart incentives preferred payments terms
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working capital

Our profit drivers engine helps you determine what are the drivers of profit for your business and the interaction between them. We help you do scenario analysis to understand the effects of changing one or more drivers on your business profit.

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profit drivers


Our Approach

We create value for business by participate from beginning to end in the delivery of solutions without cutting corners. We use well-established methodologies, like agile, and compliment them with our own where gaps exist.

Assess Design Design Develop Develop Implement Implement Manage With LATD End-to-end solution and no corners cut! With others Skipped steps & cut corners...